March 23, 2017

Most Amazing French DishesThere are many reasons to love French food. There are the amazing pastries, the rich sauces, and the salads loaded with bacon. And of course, all the bread. It’s the centuries of fine cuisine that make their culinary culture so rich. French food is known globally for its finesse and flavour. Guide your palette through this list of top 10 French foods, with do-it-yourself recipes from the French cuisine.The French Chefs are artists, that create all types of inventive dishes with an amazing aspect and a great taste. They never stop amazing the world with their creativity. food to suit your taste.Many French chefs have earned international acclaim for turning French food into haute cuisine and influencing the gastronomic scene worldwide.  Many French recipes are surprisingly simple as well, and it's not as hard as you would think to introduce French food specialties into your weekly menu. Here is a list of top 10 French foods you have to try.

10 – Soupe à l’oignon

Most Amazing French Dishes
 Soupe à l’oignon  is a type of soup usually based on meat stock and onions, and often served gratinéed with croutons and cheese on top or a large piece of bread. Although ancient in origin, the dish underwent a resurgence of popularity in the 1960s in the United States due to a greater interest in French cuisine. French onion soup is usually served as a starter.This is a traditional French soup made of onions and beef stock, usually served with croutons and melted cheese on top. The soup's origins can be traced as far back as the Romans – typically a poor dish – although the current version dates from the 18th century. The remarkable taste in French onion soup is from the caramelisation of the onions, to which sometimes brandy or sherry is added at the end of the slow-cook process. The liquid is typically meat stock, although variations include using just water, adding milk or thickening it with eggs or flour. It is usually served with croutons and cheese on the top. What makes the taste of this soup unique is the caramelised onion. A must for all the gourmands!Generally, recipes specify that the onions should be cooked slowly, becoming caramelized. Brandy or sherry is added at the end. The soup base is often topped with a slice of bread .

09 – Boeuf Bourguignon

Most Amazing French DishesThis is another amazing traditional French dish that you need to try at least once.Boeuf bourguignon is a traditional French meal that has become internationally well-known.  in east France – beef bourguignon has several similarities. The dish is a stew made of beef braised in red wine, beef broth and seasoned with garlic, pearl onions, fresh herbs and mushrooms. This recipe is just one example of how traditional peasant dishes have been adopted into haute cuisine; the method of slowly simmering beef in wine was likely developed to tenderise tough cuts of meat. Traditional preparation time is two days to tenderise the meat and intensify the stew flavours. In Burgundy in late August, the Fête du Charolais celebrates the prized Charolais beef with music, meat and bœuf bourguignon. It is basically a stew made of tender beef braised in red wine, seasoned with garlic, onions, mushroom and a selection of fine, fresh herbs. It has a fine taste and it is also quite easy to cook at home..

08 – Confit de canard

Most Amazing French Dishes
This tasty French meal is made of duck legs.Confit de canard is a tasty French dish of duck – although goose and pork can also be used – and is considered one of the finest French dishes. The meat is specially prepared using a centuries-old preserve and slow-cook process, where the duck meat is marinated in salt, garlic and thyme for up to 36 hours and then slow-cooked in its own fat at low temperatures . It is typically served with confit roasted potatoes and garlic on the side. Today this French dish is served all over France, although it is considered a specialty of the Gascony region. Its preparation may take up to 36 hours, but the result is amazing. The meat is mixed with salt, garlic and thyme and left to absorb the flavours for more than one day. Afterwards, it is either grilled or fried and served with roasted potatoes and garlic.

07 – Baked Camembert

Most Amazing French DishesFor those who love Camembert cheese, this is a must. The dish is simple, it consists of Camembert baked in the oven which can be served with garlic and rosemary on the top. It goes well with red wine and some French baguette.Camembert is a similar soft cheese which is also made from cow's milk. However, there are differences such as its origin, typical market shape, size, and flavor. Brie originates from the Île-de-France while camembert comes from Normandy. Traditionally, brie was produced in large wheels, 23 to 37 cm (9 to 14.5 in) in diameter, and thus ripened more slowly than the smaller camembert cheeses. When sold, brie segments typically have been cut from the larger wheels (although some brie is sold as small, flat cylinders), and therefore its sides are not covered by the rind. By contrast, camembert is ripened as a small round cheese 10 cm (4 in) in diameter by about 3 cm (1.25 in) thick and fully covered by rind. This ratio change between rind and paste makes camembert slightly stronger when compared to a brie ripened for the same amount of time. Once the rind is cut on camembert it typically has a more pungent aroma than brie. In terms of taste, camembert has a stronger, slightly sour, and sometimes chalky taste. The texture of camembert is softer than brie, and if warmed camembert will become creamier, whereas brie warms without losing as much structure.

06 – Buckwheat Crêpes

Most Amazing French DishesBuckwheat flour gives crepes a special taste and a different texture.A crêpe or crepe, Quebec French is a type of very thin pastry, usually made from wheat flour (crêpes de froment) or buckwheat flour (galettes). The word is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa, meaning "curled". While crêpes are often associated with Brittany, a region in the northwest of France, their consumption is widespread in France, Belgium, Quebec and many parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Southern Cone of South America. Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings, from the simplest with only sugar to flambéed crêpes Suzette or elaborate savoury galettes.Crêpes are made by pouring a wheat batter onto a frying pan or flat circular hot plate, often with a trace of butter or vegetable oil on the pan's surface. The batter is spread evenly over the cooking surface of the pan or plate either by tilting the pan or by distributing the batter with an offset spatula or trowel. The consistency of the batter should not be too thick, nor should the pan be too hot. In either of these instances, the crêpe could be ruined with lumpiness or tears. Cooking may take 30 to 60 seconds until the cooked side looks like the surface of the moon, then it is turned over to cook the other side; one can flip it in the air by swinging the pan. The French fill them with either sweet or salted ingredients. A great recipe is the one with chicken, mushroom and blue cheese sauce. Truly amazing!

05 – Hachis Parmentier

Most Amazing French DishesThis a fine dish made with mashed, baked potatoes, mixed with diced meat and sauce lyonnaise.In haute cuisine, hachis Parmentier is a dish made with mashed, baked potato, combined with diced meat and sauce lyonnaise and served in the potato shells. In general use, a simpler version is the French equivalent of cottage or shepherd's pie.The dish is named after Antoine-Augustin Parmentier, a French pharmacist, nutritionist, and inventor who, in the late 18th century, was instrumental in the promotion of the potato as an edible crop. The word "hachis" means a dish in which the ingredients are chopped or minced, from the same root as the English word "hatchet". Some restaurants serve it in the potato shells. Looks and tastes delicious!

04 – Cassoulet

Most Amazing French Dishes
Originating in the South of France, cassoulet is a rich,slow cooked dish containing duck or pork meat, pork skin and white beans. Cassoulet is a comfort dish of white beans stewed slowly with meats, typically pork or duck but also sausages, goose, mutton or whatever else the chef has around. This peasant dish originates from southern France and is popular in Toulouse, Carcassonne and Castelnaudary. The name of the dish comes from the pot  it's traditionally baked in, which is typically shaped like an inverted cone to give the greatest amount of tasty crust. This is a rich, hearty meal perfect for colder months. A perfect dish for the meat lovers!
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03 – Steak Tartare

Most Amazing French Dishes
Steak tartare is a meat dish made from finely chopped or minced raw beef or horsemeat. It is often served with onions, capers and seasonings (the latter typically incorporating fresh ground pepper and Worcestershire sauce), sometimes with a raw egg yolk, and often on rye bread.The name tartare is sometimes generalized to other raw meat or fish dishes.Although less common than the completely raw variety, there is a version served in France of steak tartare called tartare aller-retour. It is a mound of mostly raw steak tartare that is lightly seared on one side of the patty.This dish is not for everyone, as it is made of minced raw beef, but it is definitely worth trying at least once. It is served with onions, capers, herbs and sometimes with a raw egg yolk. A very interesting mix of flavours!The modern version of steak tartare with raw egg was first served in French restaurants early in the 20th century. What is now generally known as "steak tartare" was then called steack à l'Americaine. Steak tartare was a variation on that dish; the 1921 edition of Escoffier's Le Guide Culinaire defines it as steack à l'Americaine made without egg yolk, served with tartar sauce on the side.

02 – Coq au vin

Most Amazing French Dishes
This is a classic French recipe that consists of chicken slowly cooked in red wine with lardons, mushrooms and sometimes garlic.This quintessential French food was popularised by Julia Child through her television show and book and seen as one of her signature dishes. It is a dish of chicken braised (pot roasted) with wine, mushrooms, salt pork or bacon (lardons), mushrooms, onion, often garlic and sometimes brandy. Although the name translates as 'rooster or cock in wine' – and braising is ideal for tougher birds – the recipe usually uses chicken or capon. A red Burgundy wine is typically used, although French regional variations exist using local wines, for example coq au vin jaune , coq au Riesling , coq au pourpre or coq au violet  and coq au Champagne . The meat cooked this way has a great taste and it is really tender.

01 – Pan-seared Foie Gras

Most Amazing French Dishes
This is a delicatesse and it is quite expensive, but the taste is simply amazing.Foie gras  is a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. By French law, foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a feeding tube, a process also known as gavage. In Spain and other countries outside France it is occasionally produced using natural feeding. Ducks are force-fed twice a day for 12.5 days and geese three times a day for around 17 days. Ducks are typically slaughtered at 100 days and geese at 112 days.Foie gras is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine. Its flavor is described as rich, buttery, and delicate, unlike that of an ordinary duck or goose liver. Foie gras is sold whole, or is prepared into mousse, parfait, or pâté, and may also be served as an accompaniment to another food item, such as steak. French law states that "Foie gras belongs to the protected cultural and gastronomical heritage of France. This dish is something that you usually eat at the restaurant, as it is difficult to find a whole fresh foie gras at a local store.


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