February 10, 2017

Everyone loves parties, everyone loves alcohol too and when the two meet, one is guaranteed to have great time at the party. There are times when you tend to drink much more than you had planned to. These times tend to be the best nights/hangouts of your life but the next day, when the hangover is looming over your head, you start to regret it. No one likes hangovers, they’re the karma that bite you back for the bad things you’ve done, one can only explain their existence this way. The next day hangover reminds you that the time of life you were having last night wasn’t  a good idea. Some never get a hangover; while some always have them, for these unlucky people, we have top 10 ways to get rid of the hangover.In addition to causing a hangover, drinking alcohol causes dehydration and, when consumed in excess, its toxic effects can harm your liver, brain, gastrointestinal system, central nervous system and sensory perception.
A vitamin is an organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound (or related set of compounds) is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and it must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term vitamin is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid (one form of vitamin C) is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms.   Vitamins are the most suggested way to get rid of the hangover. Be it Vitamins through the vitamin pills or through more natural way of orange juice. Orange juice is a great source of Vitamin C which helps in getting rid of the hangover. Some of the vitamin supplements that are available in the market can be used too. If you normally take a multi, go ahead, but no studies have found that any particular vitamins do anything for a hangover. And one night of intoxication isn’t enough to throw off the levels of nutrients in your body to the point where you need to worry.

Good old, Asparagus
 Asparagus is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus.It was once classified in the lily family, like the related Allium species, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.Very few people know that Asparagus can be of great help when in need to get rid of the hangover. Recent studies in the eastern Asian countries have shown that it is helpful in getting rid of some of the symptoms of hangover. Asparagus has lots of amino acids and minerals in it which are good for overcoming the hangover. It lessens the toxicity of alcohol and is diuretic and hence they can help you get the alcohol out through peeing.

8. Sleep

Sleep Proper sleep can also take away much of a hangover. After excessive drinking, the body does not get a chance to sleep properly, which is very essential for the body to recover. Love drinking? Love partying out till late night? Then, make sure that the next day you don’t have to rush to your workplace at 9 am. You’re not going to realize that you’re going to have to go to work the next day, nor are you going to be able to go to work the next day if you have a massive hangover to deal with. But, if you have a day off the next day, sleep is the best thing that you could use and get rid of that hangover. Giving the opportunity for the body to rest will also let it recover from the activity that took place whilst under influence. So, let yourself loose the night before only if you know you’re going to get good time to relax and sleep the next day.

7. Water

 Water Drinking water is the best way to get rid of hangover symptoms. Alcohol depletes water from the body and you need to rehydrate your body by drinking water at regular intervals. Also, water dilutes the impurities left in your stomach .This one is probably the most common solutions to get rid of the hangover. Why? Because alcohol makes you pee more and tries to throws away the fluids. Hence water helps to get rid of the dehydration. Dehydration causes light headedness and dizziness hence causing a hangover, drinking water would help you get over it. This is not just a solution for the post night out either, drinking water after every pint or a cocktail would also help you not get a hangover the day after. Water is the only thing in this world that will not hurt no matter how much you consume, hence always keep sipping some water in regular intervals.

6. Sports Drinks

Sports Drinks
Sports drinks like Gatorade in particular are a great tool to get rid of that hangover. If the normal tap water, coffee isn’t your thing and can’t get you out of the hangover, drinking Gatorade will definitely do that for you. When body loses a lot of water, it loses electrolytes too, hence in some cases it would be good to replace them and drinking sports drink would provide you exactly that. Loss of electrolytes may not requite for it to be replaced as soon as it happens but with Sports drinks, it tends to recover the electrolytes that have been lost. Gatorade is no better than that of water or coffee for that matter but if these two don’t work and you want an easy solution, once can always open the bottle you most probably already have and try it.
CoffeeCoffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, and Madagascar, the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean. The plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world and coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta. It is another popular solution to the hangovers. People tend to drink coffee whenever they want to stay awake, and stay alert at work. Caffeine overdose can cause migraines and headache too, but in most of the cases where you already have a hangover, a shot of espresso or a mildly strong cup of coffee will surely help you. Coffee does cause dehydration at times, hence it is advisable to see if this works for you or not as one thing working for me may or may not work for you. But, more often than not, coffee will be your savior that gets rid of that hangover.
Greasy Food
You have already had plenty to drink the night before, now you’re stuck with this bad hangover, what do you do? EAT! Pizza, egg sandwich, toast, crackers all are great foods that can help you get rid of the hangover. If you have an upset stomach after the night you’ve consumed a lot of alcohol, foods like crackers, toast will help you get your blood sugar high and settle the upset stomach.Many typical American greasy spoons focus on fried or grilled food, such as fried eggs, bacon, burgers, hash browns, waffles, pancakes, omelettes, deep fried chicken, and sausages. These are often accompanied by baked beans, french fries, coleslaw, or toast. Soups and chili con carne are generally available. Eating helps the liver to keep up with the metabolism in the stomach and thus help it being back to normal. If the blood sugar levels are down, you’re likely to feel tired but when you eat, everything will be taken care of, including the hangover.

3. Medication

Some hangovers are the worse; they just don’t go away no matter what you try. Even the regular trick to get them away won’t work this time. In times like these, pain medications are the only solution that you are left with. A doctor recommended dosage of a pill that can ease the headache or an anti-inflammatory drug can always be the last resort you can go to. One must be careful about using these as they might turn into a habit which would be bad for the liver. But, once in a while when there appears to be no substitute, pain medication can get rid of that hangover.

2. Exercise

ExerciseAn unlikely way but a sure-shot one to get rid of that hangover and that laziness at the same time is by exercising. The sweat dripping out would naturally be the same sweat and not some magical alcoholic liquid but when you hit the gym after the party you’ll feel energized. Burning some calories and getting back to the senses along with getting rid of the hangover is the best combination ever. Stick with light cardio or a yoga class, which won’t dehydrate you as much as other workouts. Although, keeping a water bottle with you when you are doing your regular drill in the gym would help in case you dehydrate yourself to some extent. So, get out of your bed and get to that treadmill in order to kick that hangover out of you.
It’s an old and clichéd saying but prevention really is better than cure. In the case of hangovers, nothing truer than this has been ever said. You are an adult, who should, ideally be able to handle the drinks  just ordered. If you can’t handle them, stop where you think you might be crossing the line.Each year, millions of people die of preventable deaths. A 2004 study showed that about half of all deaths in the United States in 2000 were due to preventable behaviors and exposures. Leading causes included cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, unintentional injuries, diabetes, and certain infectious diseases. This same study estimates that 400,000 people die each year in the United States due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Keep eating something or other, something that has loads of carbs or just cheese so that alcohol won’t take over you. Don’t go for that extra round of tequila shots; instead, learn to say no when there is peer pressure. Drink responsibly and you won’t ever have the ghosts of hangover the next day.

Tips for preventing a hangover

The only sure way to prevent a hangover is to avoid drinking. However, there are many simple tips that will go a long way toward preventing or lessening most hangover symptoms. Some of these tips are:

Never consume alcohol on an empty stomach.
  1. Do not drink alcohol too fast.
  2. Do not drink or eat anything sweet while drinking.
  3. Keep your meals small and light for the day.
  4. A walk outside in fresh air is also beneficial.
  5. Avoid smoking as it can irritate your stomach.
  6. Take a warm shower to ease your headache and muscle pain


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